Advanced AI Video Surveillance Solution Provider

Upgrade your business security with Gravata’s AI-powered video surveillance solution, streamlining your surveillance processes with our innovative SaaS platform.

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Trusted by numerous Businesses, organizations

Jessica Simon

This company’s AI-based video surveillance solution has revolutionized our security measures, providing seamless and efficient monitoring for our business.

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Features & Benefits



Our Team

Once a small group of passionate engineers, Gravata has grown into a formidable team of experts dedicated to revolutionizing the video surveillance industry with our advanced AI technology.


With a deep understanding of business operations and a passion for technology, I bring extensive experience in leading teams and driving growth for our innovative AI-based video surveillance solution at Gravata.

Annie CTO

As the CTO of Gravata, I leverage my expertise in artificial intelligence and video analytics to develop and optimize our cutting-edge surveillance technology, ensuring that our SaaS platform delivers top-notch security and efficiency to businesses.

Happy Customers​

Our advanced AI-based video surveillance solution empowers businesses to achieve unparalleled security and efficiency, earning customer love and trust.

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